Philippine Independence Medal Ribbon
Philippine Independence Medal Ribbon
-50% Off$5.99 $2.99
Category: Hot Sale
Tags: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, collections:Air Force, collections:Army, collections:Awards, collections:Coast Guard, collections:Ezr Items, collections:Marine Corps, collections:Military Medals And Ribbons, collections:Military Ribbons, collections:Navy, EZR, ISLAND_4, ISLAND_4C, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy, OFAPP_ENABLE_HOLD_ITEM, sbb, SBB_Awards, sbb?_w=50&h=14, Standard Ribbon (Slide On)
Philippine Independence Medal Ribbon
The Philippine Independence Medal (PIR) is a decoration presented by the Republic of the Philippines to recognize members of the military who served in multiple Philippine operations during World War II. To be eligible for this award the individual must have received the Philippine defense Medal as well as the Philippine Liberation Medal. Additionally, they must have served on active duty in the Philippines after July, 4 1946.