Bronze Arrowhead
Bronze Arrowhead
-50% Off$5.99 $2.99
Category: Hot Sale
Tags: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, collections:Air Force, collections:Army, collections:Awards, collections:Coast Guard, collections:Devices Attachments, collections:Ezr Items, collections:Marine Corps, collections:Navy, Devices/Attachments, EZR, Full Size, hide_review, ISLAND_3, ISLAND_3C, Marine Corps, Misc, National Guard, Navy, OFAPP_ENABLE_HOLD_ITEM, Pronged
Bronze Arrowhead
Criteria: The Arrowhead Device is a bronze award bestowed by the United States Army to be worn as an attachment to specific service medals. It is awarded to personnel who have been a part of a combat parachute drop, a combat glider attack, a helicopter assault landing or an amphibious assault.